Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Dynamic vs. Static Technologies

To view my mind map, please visit my wiki at hollyshumaker.wikispaces.com.

Dynamic vs. Static Technologies

Static technologies are ones in which you receive information and basically, what you get is what you get; you are not allowed to ask questions and you can not deviate from the information you have been given. Dynamic technologies, however, are those in which the learner actually gains information and uses it. Dynamic technologies develop higher order thinking skills.

As a sixth grade teacher, I have just begun introducing technology into my classroom. At this time, I basically only use static technologies. However, I do foresee using more dynamic technologies in the future.



Moller, L. (2008). Static and dynamic technological tools. [Unpublished Paper].


  1. Your mind map list technologies under both the static and dynamic end of the continuum that are correctly identified. The static technologies provide information, while the dynamic technologies enable students to gather a deeper understanding of content. I also utilize many of the static technologies and plan to move more toward the middle part of the static and dynamic continuum. Additional mind map that are useful for identifying where technologies should be listed on the static and dynamic continuum are listed below.



  2. Holly, its great that your goal is to utilize dynamic technologies in the not so distant future. the more you learn and progress, it only follows suit that your students will too.
